Java Web Development

MyEclipse Headache – Removing WebProject Capabilities

After braving the upgrade to Eclipse 3.0 and installing MyEclipse we felt like we enjoyed using it and that it was benficial, especially its very very very cool ability to edit and text-complete JavaScript and HTML.
Still, we are unable to make it work properly with JSTL tags, which it could in previous releases.

So I went ahead and clicked on ‘Add WebProject Capabilities’ to the project from the MyEclipse context menu (right-clicking the project folder). This did not help. Worse, it forced me to have a WEB-INF folder no matter what. I would delete it and it would reappear. Grrrreat.

There is no way to remove WebProject Capabilities either. You gotta love one-way settings. After 20 aggravating minutes, the following surgery did the job:

1. Close Eclipse.
2. Edit the .project file and remove any elements that mention of Genuitec (the company builds MyEclipse).
3. Edit the .classpath file and remove WEB-INF from the classpath.
4. Restart Eclipse and right click the project folder
5. In the ‘Java Build Path’ screen, remove WEB-INF from the Output Folder settings and choose a different destination.
6. Delete the WEB-INF folder.



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