Computing Web Development

Weird Firefox 3 Issue

So I succumbed to the urge an installed Firefox 3 on my home machine. Most extensions are there now, except for my beloved TinyURL Creator, so things are pretty cool. That, except for the weird icon that I have appearing above the File menu (and cannot appear to be removed) that looks like this:


What is FF FD? Any ideas?!


I believe I have a solution to the issue. One of my add-ons/extensions was apparently not compatible with Firefox 3 (and I *did* tinker with it being a bit of a hopeful thinker – ‘How bad can it be?’) or that have a conflict with other extensions (sounds very Mac OS 9…). In any case, if this happens to you, the procedure to detect the offending extension is pretty simple:

  1. Go to the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Add-ons’.
  2. Click the ‘Extensions’ button which will list all available extensions.
  3. One by one, disable all of them. Extensions should have a ‘Disable’ button available when you click them in the extension list. Although you will be prompted to restart Firefox after you disable the first one, you can disable all of them and only then restart.
  4. Restart Firefox. It will most like take a bit of time, but it will start and I will be that you will not see the pesky FF FD icons anymore.
  5. Now, one by one, or two by two (whatever) re-enable the extensions. You will eventually get the FF FD back there, but by this method of deduction you will get to know precisely which is the offending extension (the last one you enabled!).

Hope this is of help.


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