
Nokia Lumia 1020: Day 1 with Windows Phone

Day 1 thoughts with the Lumia 1020:

  1. As expected, the phone is built very well.
  2. Adjusting to the Windows Phone user interface takes learning. Not as easy a transition from Android, a bigger departure.
  3. Initial shots are fantastic, as they should be.
  4. AT&T shoves crap onto the phone, which is easily removed, though.
  5. LTE speeds are great. Ran Skype with without a problem.
  6. WiFi sharing is very fast (as a result of LTE) but stops working during phone calls, which is disappointing.
  7. To get the phone to show its network connection quality and the time you need to tap the top of the screen.
  8. Office 365 connectivity was very quick and easy to set up. Similarly Google.
General Marketing mobile Web Development

Is nothing really that much worse than something?

How much is a brand worth to a company? For most small companies it means virtually everything. They are one and all with the brand. Bigger companies often pour massive amounts into building and maintaining brands. According to David Ogilvy, the father of modern advertising, such brand positioning makes or breaks the brand. Something breaks, though, when it comes to mobile. 

Companies and organizations that make such huge investments in their brand suddenly realize their website, often times their core offering, looks bad or does not work on mobile devices. In a world where budgets are almost always tight, they look to do something out of nothing to address this problem. They want to be available to the growing smartphones and tablet-using masses. They need something
