
Openfire/Smack bug? Unable to ask Multi-User Chat who the admins are

I encountered two interesting points when working with the Openfire XMPP server and the Smack API, both from IgniteRealtime.

  1. After joining a Multi-User Chat (MUC) independently, without invite, I was forbidden (e.g. error 403) from finding out who the administrators or owners of the room were. I could not find anything about this in the documentation.
    The workaround was not too bad: apparently the method getOccupant() allows you to get an Occupant object which does hold affiliation and can report admin rights.
  2. In some situations – not sure when yet – the owner of an MUC was able to grant another user admin status by just using his/her nickname, without using the full JID. That is
    grantAdmin("nickname") worked just as well as grantAdmin("nickname@conference.server"). Nonetheless, when trying to use the method getOccupant() as mentioned above, the full JID form worked while the nickname-only one failed.

I am using Smack 3.0.4 and Openfire 3.5.2. Weird.


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